Statement of Intent
Llanishen Golf Club [the Club]), in compliance with the Equality Act 2010 or any statutory modification thereof, is resolute in its determination to pursue respective equality of status to all members, visitors, guests, volunteers, present and potential employees servants agents and service providers. The Club will endeavour to ensure that every person, as identified above, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity has a genuine opportunity to participate to their full potential at all levels and in all roles within the Club.
Equality Policy
In accordance with the Equality Statement of Intent agreed by the Club the committee has produced the following Equality Policy. This policy shall be subject to annual review and shall remain effective (subject to minor changes determined only by legislation by the need to make reasonable adjustments to practices procedures and policies or as agreed by practical experience, in keeping with current legislation) during this period.
• A copy of this document is available to all paid staff, agents and service providers and volunteers of the Club together with its members, visitors and guests and its content will be covered in all induction programmes carried out or organised by the club.
• No job application will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or conditions which are not necessary to the performance of the job or which constitute unfair discrimination.
All members, visitors, guests, employees, agents, service providers and volunteers have responsibilities to respect, act in accordance with and thereby support and promote the spirit and intentions of the policy.
· All staff, agents and service providers will receive appropriate training.
· The Club will ensure that consideration of any candidate for membership will be determined in accordance with the club’s statement on equal opportunities. The committee from time to time will determine the total maximum membership and apply an upper limit on the numbers in any category provided that no category is determined by reference to any of the protected characteristics.
· All subscriptions fees will be equal for all categories save where the Club has decided the need for positive action measures and has agreed to offer financial incentives to;
o alleviate disadvantage experienced by people who share a protected characteristic,
o junior members for the duration of the specified membership status,
o encourage increased levels of membership to a pre-determined number within specific categories, which may include, for example, certain age groups or other selected under-represented groups,
o to preserve the current membership of people who are disadvantaged by sharing a protected characteristic.
· Such incentives shall only apply until the requisite number of vacancies has been filled or, in the case of juniors, until such time as the member no longer qualifies under the age requirements of the junior section.
Nominations for membership will be as determined by the committee and will comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 or any statutory modification thereof. Candidates who are considered to be suitable for membership will be allocated membership on a first come, first served basis save that the Committee may in its absolute discretion but only where the number of members in an under-represented group of members has fallen below the agreed minimum and solely to protect against the erosion of that group of members admit in preference to a member of another group a candidate who has a protected characteristic of the under represented group,
The Committee
• Election to any position on the Committee cannot be limited by or discriminated on the ground of gender, gender reassignment, age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity or disability.
• The Club wholeheartedly supports and is committed to using Positive Action (s158 Equality Act) so that where the make up of the Committee following election, does not achieve its stated objective , positive action shall be taken to address any such shortfall.
• Members from under-represented sectors who meet the criteria for election to the Committee shall be encouraged to allow themselves to be nominated for election.
Membership Rights
· All material prepared, produced and distributed by, or on behalf of the Club will endeavour to promote a clear image of diversity within the Club.
· All participants at the Club, in whatever capacity shall receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of their membership.
· The Club will use best endeavours for all members to have equal access to all joint function rooms and bars at all times save where acceptable similar facilities have been provided to allow single sex occupation at certain agreed times.
· All bye-laws introduced by the committee shall reflect fair and equitable treatment in respect of the Club’s practices policies and procedures they are designed to address.
The Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Club operates in accordance with the Rules and Bye Laws as written and updated from time to time and in conformity with the Equality Act 2010 or any statutory modification thereof. The Committee shall be elected as provided in the rules of the Club.
Course access
· All members shall enjoy equal access to the golf course at all times save only where there are gender or age specific competitions.
· Conditions of entry to Club competitions shall be as specifically identified in the relevant Conditions governing Competitions in force from time to time.
· The playing of designated competitions shall take precedence within the competition calendar of the Club.
· Where it can be identified that the preponderance of male competitions denies equal access to females at weekends the Club will ensure that suitable alternative opportunities for weekend play for females are included in the playing calendar, the details of which will be easily accessible to all members.
· When general play conditions prevail equal access shall be allowed to all categories of members, but with the Committee preserving the right to decide the format of play at any time.
· The Club reserves the right to limit competition to specific age and gender where this is necessary to ensure equitable, safe and equal competition. The Club will take positive action in providing opportunities to increase the inclusion of people from under-represented groups.
Rules and Bye Laws
The terms and conditions of membership and playing rights do not affect the R & A Rules of Golf relating to Etiquette nor the general Rules and Bye Laws of the Club.
The content of this document applies equally to members, visitors, guests, employees, servants, agents and service providers of the club. The Committee has overall responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of this document are implemented. The day to day responsibility for the Statement of Intent and Equality Policy will rest with the Secretary. Any complaint or grievance should be communicated to the Secretary. The Committee will then decide how the complaint should be dealt with and resolved.